The Pine Rivers Men’s Shed was set up to provide a meeting place for men of all ages to carry out meaningful activities and provide an avenue for learning, mentoring and fellowship.
In pursuing our vision we are committed to the following:-
- Honesty and integrity in all we do.
- Supporting community and respecting others.
- Compassion and empathy.
- Sincerity in improving men’s health and well-being.
- Open to all.
- Reliability and trustworthiness.
- Appreciation of the contribution and value of others.
- Cooperation and goodwill with other men’s sheds/groups.
Activities undertaken at the men’s shed include:-
- Basic woodworking, wood turning, metal working, computer training and photography.
- A range of skills development programs and community projects.
- Access to equipment, training and skills for personal projects.
- A drop-in centre for men to call in and have a coffee and a chat.
- A range of social activities, including snooker, darts, and card games.
- Friendship opportunities for isolated men within the community.
- A guest speaker program covering men’s health and well-being and various interests.
- A dedicated “blokes” space.
The shed is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8.00am until 1.00pm.
Please note that the Shed is closed on Thursdays, weekends, and public holidays.
If you want to view the shed, come on any Wednesday or Friday at 10.00am and ask for Mike Nicholson.
For any further information please contact the Secretary – Peter Fox on 0423 130 492 or e-mail secretary.prms@yahoo.com.au
Our Shed is located at Old Petrie Town, Dayboro Road, Whiteside, and is in the rear of the Old Petrie Town Village.
Click the “Our Location” tab above for specific instructions inside the village.
Membership is open to men of all ages, 18 and above.
We provide a welcoming environment in which men can become friends, share skills, be involved in projects that assist the local community, learn new skills or just sit and have a chat.
The Shed has a range of equipment available for use by members including wood lathes, metal lathes, panel saw, table saw, linishers, grinders, band saws and other equipment.
All members undergo competency-based training on the various machines regardless of their prior knowledge, skills or experience.
However, recognition of prior learning and trade skills is taken into account when accrediting members on machines.
This is to ensure safety for all members as well as meet our Insurer’s requirements.
The workshops only operate when there is a Team Leader in attendance.
We also have First Aid Officers, as well as Workplace Health and Safety Officers and assistants who ensure that appropriate workplace practices are in place and observed at all times in the workshop areas.